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Haim Sasson

There are few Krav Maga experts who have the martial arts knowledge that Haim Sasson has… 40 years in martial arts, Krav Maga black belt from Imi, black belts in 6 systems and a coach of the Wingate Institute. His expertise covers all sectors of Krav Maga, particularly civilians, women and children.

Haim Sasson has been training in martial arts since he was 6 years old when he enrolled in his local Judo club. 5 years passed, and while he was committed to the martial art, he found it lacking in what he needed – real-life self-defence solutions.

In the years that followed Haim built his strength and repertoire of traditional fighting systems. Greco-Roman Wrestling, various forms of Kung-Fu and Karate, and even Tai Chi. With each new learning he honed his knowledge and expertise of both the internal and external martial arts. Haim gained his stripes within each of these martial arts but was still left feeling unfulfilled in his search for a real-life self-defence system. That is, until he was introduced to the Israeli fighting system Krav Maga by his martial arts Master Jim Keenan who was living in Israel at the time.

As a teenager in Israel, it was just what Haim was looking for. Haim trained with the best in the field, including his martial arts Master Jim Keenan, Krav Maga’s founder Imi Lichtenfeld, Imi’s closest students and instructors, and with the Israeli Defence Forces during his time as an Officer in the Army. Haim went on to work as an instructor at Israel's Academy of Sport, including training new instructors, and as a member of an instructing team where he would travel around the world training the highest ranks of Krav Maga in each country. To this day, now with 40 years of martial arts under his belt and an acknowledged Master, Haim still reveres his Master Jim Keenan, the man he counts as responsible for his knowledge and expertise in martial arts and the man who gave him the key to unlocking the most practical methods of self-defence.

Over the last several years, Haim has travelled the world as one of the most respected global instructors and created the Dynamight Kids safety and self-defence program that is delivered throughout Australia. His expertise covers all sectors of Krav Maga, but with particular emphasis on civilians, women and children. Master Jim Keenan lives and teaches in the United States.


List of I.K.M Instructors:

Haim Sasson - Master 3

( 8th Dan Black Belt )

Alex Dikhne - Expert 4

Orel  Hodeda Shiler - Expert 3

Yehuda Moisa - Expert 3

Tomer Sasson - Expert 3

Leon Gershovich - Expert 2

Elioz Chen - Expert 1

Itamar - Expert 1

Oron Kam - Expert 1

Yoav Moisa - Graduate 5

Tamir Barak - Graduate 4

Maor Vizigrotzki - Graduate 3

Noy Vizigrotzki - Graduate 3



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